Road test tips
- Take a vehicle that you are comfortable to drive and that you have had plenty of practice in. It is always easiest to pass your driving test with an automatic car.
- Make sure that you understand the controls of the vehicle that you take to the test. For example you should know how to turn the headlights on and off. If it starts to rain, use your wipers and if it stops raining, turn them off. Using the car’s controls properly will help to show that you are confident on the road and ready to have your driver’s license.
- Adjust your mirrors and then leave them there. Make sure that you don’t adjust or move your mirrors during the driving test.
- Plan on getting to the driving test early. This will help you to have time to relax and prepare mentally before you actually have to take the driving test.
- Wear your seatbelt. Put it on as soon as you get in the car, before you start driving.
- During the test pay attention. Watch specifically for school zones, parks and other areas where the speed limit might be reduced. Obey all road signs that you see, especially speed signs.
- When driving keep both hands on the outside of the wheel at all times. Use proper hand placement and focus throughout the test.
- There are 2 acceptable ways to place your hands on the steering wheel. Some people choose to keep their hands at 10 and 2 and others opt for 9 and 3. The reasoning between choosing 9 and 3 is that in the event of an airbag deployment you will be safer and less likely to be hit by your own hands.
- Don’t stop too closely to the vehicle in front of you when you need to come to a stop. As a general rule you should be able to see the tires of the car in front of you.
- During the test do not cross solid lines
- On many driving tests you will be taken through an intersection with a no right turn on red sign. Paying attention to all the road signs is critical if you want to pass your driving test.
- When you come to a four way stop pay attention to who arrives first. When you come to a four way stop it is always first come first served. If you arrive at the same time as the car across from you, let them go first especially if they are turning.
- When driving try to stay in the right lane as much as possible. When you make a left hand turn into the left lane, wait until it safe and then carefully change lanes into the right lane. Always look over your shoulder before changing lanes and be sure to use your blinker.
- Your Examiner will let you know if you should drive in any lane other than the right lane.
- Don’t be afraid to use your horn. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should use your horn excessively. If you get into a situation where a car is too close or is trying to come into your lane, use your horn and let them know.
- Focus on your speed. Maintaining a constant speed is important. Watch for speed signs and always observe them. Remember that school zones and children’s play areas may have a reduced speed, so pay attention.
- Only change lanes when you are absolutely certain that it is safe. The examiner will ask you to change lanes when is safe to do so,it is your decision when you will do the lane change. Never cut anyone off or change lanes without looking.
- Since your driving test is a real experience on real roads with other drivers you need to be prepared for anything. Paying attention and remaining alert will help you to be aware of obstructions that are out there and to respond appropriately.
- When it is time to change lanes or complete various skills mentally walk yourself through them step by step. This will help you to focus during the test and to complete each task to the best of your abilities.
- Some people find that having the window down a little can really help you to be aware of dangers and other vehicles during the test. Sometimes you can hear another car coming before you can see it and having your window down might give you an added advantage.
If you cancel or reschedule your road test appointment with less than 48 hours notice, or if you fail to attend your appointment, your prepaid road test fee will not be refunded. Under certain extenuating circumstances on
ly (such as a death in your immediate family), the road test fee will remain as a credit on your driving record.
If your vehicle does not meet ministry standards for the purpose of a road test, or if there is a non-vehicle related reason for which the examiner determines that the road test cannot be completed, the examiner declares the road test out-of-order. If your road test is declared out-of-order, you lose 50% of your road test fee. The other 50% of the fee remains as a credit on your driving record, and may be applied when booking a new road test. In order to book the new road test, you will have to pay the 50% of the fee deducted due to the out-of-order.
If you have any concerns that your road test may be declared out-of-order, contact the DriveTest Centre before your scheduled test to discuss it.
On the day of the road test, please arrive 30 minutes early to complete check-in procedures. If you arrive or check-in late, you may have to re-schedule your appointment for another day and will lose your pre-paid road test fee. You will also lose your pre-paid road test fee if you fail to show up for your road test appointment.
Road tests are also available in French at French-designated DriveTest centres. Please refer to Locations Page for a list of French designated centres. You may contact the designated French DriveTest centre of your choice for enquiries regarding French-speaking examiners. When you arrive for your road test appointment, please request for a French-speaking examiner at Dispatch.
At the beginning of the road test, the driver examiner will explain what you will be required to do during the road test. The driver examiner is not allowed to coach you during the test so if you have any questions, please ask them before you begin.
The driver examiner will also ask you two questions prior to commencing the road test:
- Do you require glasses or corrective lenses for driving?
- Do you suffer, or have you ever been advised by a physician that you suffer from heart disease, stroke, diabetes requiring insulin to control, epilepsy, seizure disorder, loss of consciousness or awareness, or any other medical condition or physical disability that may affect your safe operation of a motor vehicle?
Please note that you are required by law to declare any of the above condition. The maximum penalty for making a false statement is a fine and/or imprisonment and/or a driver’s license suspension.
Will your vehicle pass the Test?
The driver examiner must perform a basic pre-test vehicle check to ensure that your vehicle is fit for the purpose of a road test. The driver examiner may request for your assistance to ensure that your vehicle is safe for the road test (i.e. operating the turn signals, brake lights, etc). If one of the following items is detected your road test appointment will be cancelled and you will lose 50% of your road test fee and must pay the remaining 50% in order to schedule another road test:
- Vehicle equipped with ignition interlock device but no ignition interlock (I) condition on license.
- Ignition interlock device not installed if a requirement exists.
- Roof down and/or unsecured (convertible style vehicle).
- Non-functional or uninstalled door(s) (door does not open and/or does not close).
- Non-functional dual brakes (driving instructor vehicle.
- Non-functional foot brake.
- Non-functional or missing seat belt (applicant or examiner).
- Non-functional right/left brake light.
- Non-functional turn signal.
- Non-functional head lights or tail lights (darkness and/or limited ability).
- Non-functional windshield wipers or no washer fluid (if weather condition warrant).
- Non-functional defroster/defogger (if weather conditions warrant).
- Non-functional horn or speedometer.
- Damaged windshield, large cracks, stars, etc, obstructing vision in areas of the windshield swept by the wiper blades.
- Not secured or missing seat.
- No rear bumper.
- No mirror.
- Flat tire, donut tire any wheel.
- Defective tires.
- More than one wheel nut missing on a wheel.
- Unsecured or defective muffler.
- Obvious fuel leaks.
- Fumes in vehicle.
- Unsecured vehicle parts (i.e. hood).
- Unclean vehicle that poses health risk to the examiner.
- Visible or audible defects that contravene the Highway Traffic Act.
- Defect that affects the safe operation of a vehicle.
- Brake found out-of-adjustment during air brake practical test, applicant completes air brake practical test but accompanying road test cannot proceed.

In addition, your road test appointment will be cancelled and you will lose 50% of your pre-paid road test fee if one of the following is detected:
- Inability to provide an acceptable breath sample (over preset level) for ignition interlock device.
- Passenger(s) or pet(s) in vehicle.
- Insects in vehicle that pose health risk to examiner.
- Unsecured contents (i.e. work vehicle).
- Unacceptable permit: invalid/missing sticker, expired 10-day permit or in-transit permit.
- Altered vehicle plate.
Flammable goods or compressed gas.
- Not wearing corrective lenses if a requirement exists.
- Refuse to wear seat belt before or during road test.
- Arrive for road test with no vehicle.
- Arrive for motorcycle road test with no helmet.
- Vehicle with yellow/black Dealer and Service plate and vehicle permit indicates plate series SPR.
- Schedule wrong class of road test based on vehicle configuration/weight.
- Schedule wrong class of road test in error (i.e. books G2 road test instead of G).
- Insufficient G2 highway experience.
- Vehicle equipped with air brakes but applicant does not hold endorsement, applicant has not completed air brake course, or applicant is not completing air brake course along with the test.
- Applicant does not produce a daily trip inspection report prior to road test or inspection report is more than 24 hours old (e.g. classes A or D, C or F operated beyond a radius of 160 km from the location where the driver reports to work).
- Related to point above, a vehicle rented/leased for the purpose of a road test is exempt from the daily trip inspection report; however, the rental agreement must be viewed and the vehicle must have been rented no longer than 30 days prior to the date of the road test.
- Vehicle used by class A applicant from a truck training does not comply with the class A minimum vehicle configuration requirement.
- Applicant attempting air brake endorsement practical tests does not have the required air brake items to proceed with test.
- BDE enrolled applicant is not certified by their Driving School on the day of the scheduled road test.
G Road Test – Expressway Test
If you are taking the G Road Test (Expressway Test), you will be required to declare your driving experience to ensure that you have sufficient expressway driving experience in order to proceed with the road test. You have to declare how many times in the three months before the road test you have driving on a 400-series highway and/or on a highway with a speed limit of at least 80 km/hr. You must have driven at least 5 times on a highway with a speed limit of least 80 km/hr and /or a 400 series highway. You are also required to indicate the average length of these trips (i.e., under 5 km, between 5 and 15 km, over 15 km). The 400-series highways include: 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 409, 410, 416, 417, 420, 427, Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW), Don Valley Parkway (DVP), Gardiner Expressway, E. C. Row Expressway, and the Conestoga Parkway. Please ensure that you have the required highway driving experience prior to your road test appointment or your appointment will be cancelled and you will lose 50% of your road test fee.